Tuesday, March 26, 2019

All about home

Here ill post all picture all about home .

My Mother and her beautiful garden.
from her new plant tomato kampung (plucked 26/3/2019)

plucked 01/04/2019

My Mom's cooking always the best,anything she cooks,bakes always my favourite.

sardin bihun no one cooks tasty like hers (21/3/2019)

Thursday, March 14, 2019

my voice out collections

Having A's in exam important?

SPM exam out ,sad when the olden practice from olden days to present still ask how many A's u got?
its just sad when most just want to know bout A..does all who success in life all because they got good numbers of A?..in average one teacher will teach 2 or 3 subject and not more ..why so that they can have proper focus on subject they teach towards their students im I right teachers.?.so talking about students they taking bout 7-10 subject not just talking bout studying but with additional assignments ,extra class plus pressure expection for normal student this is too heavy...yet many still   expect a student to get lots of A...parents/teachers please understand and try to show more on encouragement towards those who didnt achive to get A.Distinction or failure should be a measurement for those who didnt do in their paper

Monday, March 11, 2019

My Favourate Bible verses

Amsal 16:3
Serahkanlah perbuatanmu kepada TUHAN, maka terlaksanalah segala rencanamu.

Mazmur 121:2

Pertolonganku ialah dari TUHAN, yang menjadikan langit dan bumi.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

My Favourite Collections

Here I share pictures,videos or writings that I feel worth as part of my collections from facebook ,whatsapp or anywhere i just snap and upload.Readers if you find any of below collections comes from you ..please accept my uncountable apologies.

Seronok bila kanak2 yang kekurarang dari segi harta benda masih boleh munggunakan kekurangan untuk bergembira?Bila kita tau erti bersyukur disitu kita mengerti erti nikmat hidup.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Health talks

I guess this topic something we can't avoid..as our body relates to health..frankly speaking, its terrifying to know what happens to our body when not taken with care ..just like waiting for you to get ready for your turn to another world. Thankfully with internet service we can easyly search any type of info..
Among my favourites when relates to health are :

Austin Goh

Just type his name in google or youtube ,can easyly find info as he emphasized more in relating to natural methods.Easy to understand and easy steps

Friday, March 1, 2019

My Favourite Quotes

Comparison is the thief of joy. Theodore Roosevelt

Hmm yeah most of times we do..we tend to get irritated to have more than others sometimes..most of time we do keen to be in shoe of those who have more..agree?hmm reflecting ist..well as for me frankly I used to go through being feeling less as other have more in terms of materials,relationship,beauty ,body shape ...but as ages continue increases I learn to have more gratitude for so much that I have to thank too..so blessed with my loved ones and my belongings and many more to mention.
Life chapters , family , relationships, money, health, documents, and much more uncategorized to mention..I've gone through those some still on the way to get through..Im sure as human I could have brain damage but thank my superhero,My God guided me along the way..Im so thankful each day for what I have and continue put my TRUST in my daily journey with God .So guys remember you never alone ,God always with you ..you can only feel His presence once you TRUST He is with you...He loves you today ,tomorow and forever.

You aren't responsible for everything that happens to you in life, but you ARE responsible for undoing the debilitating thinking patterns and perspectives these undesirable outcomes create.Marc and Angel 

Appreciate what you have before it turns into what you had